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Muscle Building Diet For Vegetarians

Today more and more people are making the switch and cutting out meat from their diets. Many people are finding that eating vegetarian creates a healthier body. But is it possible to gain muscles without the extra protein that comes from meat? Protein is essential for muscle building and without it, they won't grow. Luckily, there are many other sources that you can use as a vegetarian. It's important that the protein you are taking in is of good quality.

Protein contains amino acids of which there are many different types, some of them can be produced by the body but still a few are what we call essential and can only be gained from the foods we eat. When you are eating vegetarian it's important to make sure you eat with variation, this ensures that you get all the amino acids that you need. If you are a lacto-ovo vegetarian, which means you're eating egg and dairy products, you can increase your intake of protein by eating more eggs and adding more milk and cheese to your diet. Eggs have a lot of high quality proteins with many of the essential amino acids, a great source for muscle gain. You can make omelettes and add egg to your salads and other meals.

If you are eating a strict vegan diet, you're main source of protein comes from legumes, beans and grains. Beans in general contain a large amount of high quality protein. The soybean has a lot of the essential amino acids and is being used in many different ways. Made into tofu and tempeh you can use it in a similar way as you are used to making meat. Black beans are especially good for you as they are a complete protein. They have to soak overnight and it takes a few hours to cook them so i recommend that you do a large amount and put the leftover in the freezer.

Having a black bean burrito is an excellent way to get your protein. Broccoli is also excellent to add, it not only has a very large protein percentage but also a lot of vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthy body. Variation is the key, eat a variety of vegetables and you'll naturally making sure that you gain all the nutritions that your body needs for bodybuilding.

Grains contains a high amount of protein and they also has a lot of vitamins and minerals. The B-vitamins is a group that vegans have a risk of lacking, and grains are a good source for that. Grains like quinoa, bulghur, hirs and buckwheat all have a good amount of protein and nutrition.

By eating those instead of white rice and pasta, your protein intake will naturally rise. You also want to ensure that the body is getting the energy it needs to be able to worlk out and renew itself. Add extra fat to your diet to gain extra calories and look for food that has a lot of energy. Nuts and seeds contains a high amount of good quality fat and it's a good idea to have some of these each day. If you're really aiming to gain muscles fast and efficiently, it might also be a good idea to get a soy-based protein powder.

This adds the extra proteins you need. It's important that the powder you're getting is of good quality with a high concentration of the essential amino acids. By following these guidelines you can easily gain muscles even if you want to keep a healthy vegetarian diet.

Jason Storm is a bodybuilding enthusiast and has a blog called Go Muscles. Visit his blog for information on natural muscle gain and muscle building workouts.

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